
Freelance Writer for SaaS and Marketing Brands

Want your blog posts to bring in more traffic, leads, and customers to your business? I write high-performing blog posts for SaaS and Marketing brands to help them drive more traffic, leads, and customers.


Create High-Quality Content that Engages Your Audience and Boosts Your SEO

B2B and Marketing Companies just like yours already have a lot on their plate. From running operations to handling clients, the list goes on.

Churning out high-performing content that resonates with your target audiences, and generates measurable ROI such as traffic, leads, and sales shouldn’t be part of it.

Let me partner with your business to create blog posts/long-form content that gets seen, gets read and gets acted upon.

Establish Thought Leadership

Show your expertise and build authority with high-quality and insightful content that educates and informs your audience.

Boost Brand Awareness

Custom content that is written with your target audience in mind to increase your brand awareness and visibility. Don’t get swallowed by the competition.

Drive More Leads and Sales

Your blog posts should help your business attracts more leads and customers and ultimately drive sales. Get content that produces measurable ROI.

My 4-Step Process To Creating Persuasive Content That Drives Results

Understand Your Target Audience

Before I write a word, I first understand who your target audience is. I may request a customer avatar, or a detailed document highlighting who your ideal customer is as well as their needs, and pain points.


My writing process is 70% research and 30% writing. I use data and statistics to support my writing and competitor analysis where necessary. I also research further on your audience's pain points and needs as it relates to the project at hand.

Identify The Goal For The Project

As I tell clients, the goal shouldn't be to keep publishing content so readers can consume. What’s the end goal? Get leads, get booked demos/discovery calls, or get traffic?

High-Performing Content

My output is quality content that is engaging, SEO optimized and achieves the goal we have identified in step 2.

How My Clients Feel About My Work

I had one of the most delightful experiences working with ogheneniro. All the writing projects I provided to her were returned thoroughly written and grammatically error-free. She’s superb at what she does, quickly understands the subject, and provides excellent content at a reasonable speed

Rekop Saab

Good, sound copy and a confident, assured writing style. Ogheneniro can be counted on to answer the brief

Starstruck Marketing, Singapore

With Niro’s help we were able to create quality content for our agency and clients. Her style of writing easily resonates with your audience, and she always went the extra mile to beat our expectations time and again.

Pat Nocito, CEO QS Digital Solutions

Hi! I’m Niro.

I’m a freelance SaaS writer for B2B SaaS and Marketing brands who want to drive in more leads, enhance their brand visibility, grow their customer base and bring in more revenue. I do this by creating engaging and research-based long-form persuasive content that resonates with your audience.

I have an Accounting degree but never got to practice as I dedicated myself full-time to helping business grow their brand through content marketing.

When I’m not writing, you can catch me reading a thriller or crime novel, or walking to meet my 10k steps per day goal.

As your SaaS content writer, I’m excited to help your business grow, get more leads and drive more sales.


Ready to reach your content marketing goals and generate measurable ROI (Traffic, Leads, and Sales)?

Let’s chat to uncover your content needs, and how I can help.

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